hiet achimet! dh lme aku x update blog nie ekk..sad to say la org blakang rumah aku dh pasang password kt wifi die..so x leh la nk on9 slalu..sob
so anyway arie nie aku nk citer lak pasal idola aku..x laen x bkn the awesome Jason Mraz..yay!!(bunyi tepuk tgn)

So korang mesti tau lagu die yg paling hitz tue kn the I'm Yours and Lucky..anyway the best thing bout this guy is die pnye skill smase perform live..
Aku tertarik giler dgn cara die maen gitar dan menyanyi dlm mase yg sme..and also most of his song tempo sgt2 la laju cth sprti Geek In The Pink, Wordplay & Dynamo Of Volition.

the way he handle the guitar and singing very fast in motion was so extremly awesome..korang leh tgk most of his live shows in YouTube..urm aku ade bnyak koleksi video live dier..serious ckp tgk byk kali pn mmg x bosan..
mse die perform live kt KL arie tue..pehh x mcm gempak lak en..satu stadium nyanyi lagu dier..
rse2 Jason Mraz x nyanyi kot mse lagu I'm Yours..huhu..
urm anyway aku pegi concert tue pn bkn nye byar free jerk..aku mnang contest kt ERA fm..
huhu..tak sngke nyanyi suare cam ala katak pn leh mnang..
urm sure kalau boleh aku nk jadi mcm dier..rse nye satu dunia tau lagu I'm Yours..urm tak tau la bile ekk..anyways till the next post...adious
hiet achimet! dh lme aku x update blog nie ekk..sad to say la org blakang rumah aku dh pasang password kt wifi die..so x leh la nk on9 slalu..sob
so anyway arie nie aku nk citer lak pasal idola aku..x laen x bkn the awesome Jason Mraz..yay!!(bunyi tepuk tgn)

So korang mesti tau lagu die yg paling hitz tue kn the I'm Yours and Lucky..anyway the best thing bout this guy is die pnye skill smase perform live..
Aku tertarik giler dgn cara die maen gitar dan menyanyi dlm mase yg sme..and also most of his song tempo sgt2 la laju cth sprti Geek In The Pink, Wordplay & Dynamo Of Volition.

the way he handle the guitar and singing very fast in motion was so extremly awesome..korang leh tgk most of his live shows in YouTube..urm aku ade bnyak koleksi video live dier..serious ckp tgk byk kali pn mmg x bosan..
mse die perform live kt KL arie tue..pehh x mcm gempak lak en..satu stadium nyanyi lagu dier..
rse2 Jason Mraz x nyanyi kot mse lagu I'm Yours..huhu..
urm anyway aku pegi concert tue pn bkn nye byar free jerk..aku mnang contest kt ERA fm..
huhu..tak sngke nyanyi suare cam ala katak pn leh mnang..
urm sure kalau boleh aku nk jadi mcm dier..rse nye satu dunia tau lagu I'm Yours..urm tak tau la bile ekk..anyways till the next post...adious